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Steady State Exercise Vs. High Intensity Exercise

Often, we associate fitness classes with working up a sweat, getting that heart rate up, and leaving everything we've got out in the studio. We LOVE to kick it up a notch and work hard.

With that said, we know what it takes to get that body fit. While we love the intensity of our classes, and are able to make it work for everyone, it's only fair to provide a well-rounded experience for our members.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are now designated as "steady state" days. We will focus on movements that don't require maximum exertion. Your heart rate will increase, but will stay about the same for the duration of class, rather than spiking up like it does during high intensity intervals. The exercises themselves will remain a challenge, and you will still get your sweat on, but NOW your bodies will have a chance to adapt to fitness in an entirely different way.

Adding these classes into the mix will decrease your risk of injury and will balance with some of the higher intensity classes that we offer in order to fight boredom, burnout, and fitness plateaus. Steady state exercise places different demands on your body and will serve to increase your cardiovascular capabilities and muscular strength.

Of course, every now and then we like to throw in a Tabata-style class, too!

We highly recommend that you join us for a good mix of different days of classes. See you at KBF!

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